Jackfruit Payasam Recipe: A Traditional Kerala Sweet

Kerala, often referred to as “God’s Own Country,” is known for its lush landscapes, serene backwaters, and rich cultural heritage. One of the most delightful aspects of Kerala’s culture is its cuisine, which boasts a plethora of flavors and traditions.

Among the many culinary treasures of Kerala, the Jackfruit Payasam stands out as a beloved traditional sweet dish. This luscious dessert, made with ripe jackfruit, coconut milk, and jaggery, is a celebration of Kerala’s rich agricultural produce and culinary artistry. In this blog post, we will explore the recipe for Jackfruit Payasam, its cultural significance, and tips for making it perfectly at home.

The Cultural Significance of Jackfruit Payasam

Jackfruit, known as “Chakka” in Malayalam, is a tropical fruit that is abundantly available in Kerala. It is used in various forms, both ripe and raw, in Kerala cuisine. Jackfruit Payasam, or Chakka Pradhaman, is a traditional dessert that is often prepared during festivals, special occasions, and as an offering in temples. This sweet dish is cherished for its rich, creamy texture and the unique flavor of ripe jackfruit, which is enhanced by the sweetness of jaggery and the richness of coconut milk.


To make Jackfruit Payasam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Ripe Jackfruit (Chakka): 2 cups, finely chopped or pureed
  • Jaggery: 1 cup, grated
  • Thick Coconut Milk: 2 cups
  • Thin Coconut Milk: 1 cup
  • Water: 1 cup
  • Ghee: 2 tablespoons
  • Cashew Nuts: 10-12
  • Raisins: 10-12
  • Cardamom Powder: 1 teaspoon
  • Dry Ginger Powder (Chukku): 1/2 teaspoon
  • Coconut Slices: A few, fried (optional)


1. Preparing the Jackfruit:

Start by cleaning and chopping the ripe jackfruit into small pieces. You can also puree the jackfruit if you prefer a smoother texture for the payasam. Set aside the prepared jackfruit.

2. Preparing the Jaggery Syrup:

In a saucepan, add the grated jaggery and 1 cup of water. Heat the mixture until the jaggery melts completely. Strain the jaggery syrup to remove any impurities and set it aside.

3. Cooking the Jackfruit:

In a heavy-bottomed pan or a traditional Uruli (a type of heavy brass vessel used in Kerala), heat 1 tablespoon of ghee. Add the chopped or pureed jackfruit and sauté on medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until the jackfruit is cooked and its raw smell disappears.

4. Adding the Jaggery Syrup:

Once the jackfruit is cooked, add the jaggery syrup to the pan. Mix well and let it cook on medium heat for another 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to blend.

5. Incorporating Coconut Milk:

Add the thin coconut milk to the pan and cook for 5-7 minutes. Stir continuously to ensure that the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Once the mixture thickens slightly, add the thick coconut milk and cook for another 5 minutes. Be careful not to boil the payasam after adding the thick coconut milk, as it can cause the milk to curdle.

6. Enhancing the Flavor:

Add the cardamom powder and dry ginger powder to the payasam. Mix well to incorporate the spices evenly.

7. Frying the Garnishes:

In a small pan, heat the remaining ghee. Fry the cashew nuts until they turn golden brown. Remove and set aside. In the same pan, fry the raisins until they puff up. Remove and set aside. If you are using coconut slices, fry them in the same pan until they turn golden and crispy.

8. Final Touches:

Add the fried cashew nuts, raisins, and coconut slices to the payasam. Mix gently to combine. Your Jackfruit Payasam is now ready to be served.

9. Serving:

Serve the Jackfruit Payasam warm or at room temperature. This delightful dessert can be enjoyed on its own or as part of a traditional Kerala meal.

Tips for Perfect Jackfruit Payasam

  1. Quality of Jackfruit: Use ripe and sweet jackfruit for the best flavor. Overripe jackfruit can be too mushy, while under-ripe jackfruit may not provide the desired sweetness and aroma.
  2. Coconut Milk: Freshly extracted coconut milk enhances the taste of the payasam. However, if fresh coconut milk is not available, you can use canned or powdered coconut milk.
  3. Jaggery: Adjust the quantity of jaggery according to your sweetness preference. Dark jaggery adds a deeper flavor to the payasam.
  4. Consistency: The payasam should have a thick, creamy consistency. Adjust the amount of coconut milk to achieve the desired texture.
  5. Spices: Cardamom and dry ginger powder add a unique aroma and flavor to the payasam. Ensure they are fresh for the best results.

The Joy of Making Traditional Sweets

Making Jackfruit Payasam at home is not just about following a recipe; it is about embracing the joy of preparing a traditional sweet that has been passed down through generations. The process of cooking this payasam is therapeutic and rewarding, as it fills your home with the rich aromas of jaggery, coconut milk, and spices. Sharing this delicious dessert with family and friends brings a sense of nostalgia and celebration, making every occasion special.


Jackfruit Payasam, with its rich and creamy texture, is a true testament to the culinary heritage of Kerala. This traditional sweet dish, made with the goodness of ripe jackfruit, coconut milk, and jaggery, is a delightful treat that can be enjoyed on any occasion. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can recreate this authentic Kerala dessert in your own kitchen and experience the flavors of “God’s Own Country.” So, go ahead and indulge in the sweet goodness of Jackfruit Payasam and let its delightful taste transport you to the lush landscapes of Kerala.

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